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Version: v6


An experience is a customer touchpoint—the point of contact or interaction that a customer has with your assets throughout the customer journey. These touchpoints can be pages on the website /app, a marketing email, an ad, ratings, purchasing an item or subscribing to a service. Experience enables you to configure personalized recommendations on any touchpoint and A/B test different variations to find the best suited one for each customer.

Using Experiences, you can publish module(s) & experiment with different modules on different placements across pages on your platform. Optionally, you can set up targeting conditions to specify which customer sees the experience, when and/or even where.

Getting to Experiences

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  • From the Blox Home Page -> Click on Digital Experience Manager (DXM) to visit the DXM Home Screen -> click on 'Experience' on the navigation bar.
  • Alternatively, hover over the DXM on the navigation bar and click on Experience.

Creating an Experience:

To create an Experience, click on the ' Create Experience' CTA on the Experience Listing Screen. You will be brought to the Experience Configurations where you can select the touchpoint you want to configure an Experience on with options to target and test.

Experience Details:

  1. Click the ' Create Experience' CTA on the Experience Listing Screen
  2. Give your Experience a unique name

Note: You can save your Experience config anytime by clicking on " Continue Later" CTA & clicking on " Save & Exit". The Experience is displayed on the listing screen in a draft state. (Partially filled details are not saved).

Select a Page

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In this section, you can choose the Touchpoint on which you want to set up an Experience. A touchpoint can be any point of contact or interaction your customer shares with your assets.

  1. Select the Page Type you want to place the modules on.
  2. Click the ' Pages' dropdown to view and select the Page you want to place the modules on
  3. By clicking the ' Preview' Icon, you can preview each Page to help select the relevant Page.

Note: Once the Experience is published, it is not possible to change the Pagetype & Page.

Experience Settings:

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Targeting Conditions

Optionally, you can configure Targeting Conditions, which enables you to decide

  1. Who? - which visitor(s) should see the experience
  2. Ex:Audience, Traffic source and more
  3. Where? - on which specific page/screen should the experience be shown.
  4. Ex: Attributes from your Catalog like Brand, Category, etc…
  5. When? - render the experience only during specified date & time.
  6. Ex: Date, Day or Time

Note : When no Targeting Conditions are configured, the Experience is shown to All Visitors on your platform, all the time & on all pages/screens.

Targeting Conditions:

Target Based OnTargeting ConditionDescription
WhoAudienceTarget a group of defined users who should see the Experience. You will be able to select from a list of predefined Audiences or any created Audiences. Ex: New Visitors
Device TypeTarget an Experience to users based on the Device or Platform they are using. Ex: Mobile User
User(s)Target a list of custom users which you can add directly via Visitor ID or or MAD ID
Traffic sourceTarget an Experience based on where users have landed on your platform from. Ex: From a Search Engine
CountryTarget an Experience to users from a specific Country. Ex: Australia
WhereAttributesTarget an Experience based on any Attribute marked as 'Facet' during Catalog Onboarding. Ex: Brand
WhenDateTarget an Experience to be displayed within a particular Date Range. Ex: A sale period
DayTarget an Experience to be displayed on particular Day(s). Ex: Weekends
Time of DayTarget an Experience to be displayed between a particular Time of Day. Ex: 8 AM to 8 PM

Set Experience Priority

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When there are multiple Experiences configured & published simultaneously on the same page, Priority helps Blox determine which Experience should take precedence This typically is required when multiple experiences of the same page have the targeting conditions which lead to one visitor being part of the target for more than one experience.. Priority enables you to set Experience rendering order by drag & drop Experiences within a page.

  1. To set priority, reorder the Live Experience based on your preferences within the ' Set Experience Priority' accordion

Note: The Experience at the top of the list has the highest priority, with the order of priority decreasing from top to bottom. Any newly created Experience or Experience being created is by default placed at the top of the Priority List.

Note: Only the Experiences with status that are not draft & archive are shown in the Priority List.

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Add modules to any placement on the page. Using the ' Link Module' CTA you can select which modules you want to link to the experience, where it should be displayed on the selected page and how it should behave.

  1. Select the Platform you want to link your modules to.
  2. If you have already linked modules to a platform you can also easily import modules already set up on one platform to another Platform using the ' Import From' CTA & select a platform to import from.
  3. Click ' Link Module' CTA on the placement where you wish to link your module(s)
  4. Select module(s) from the module listing and click 'Done'. The selected module is now linked & listed within the placement.
  5. Click on ' x' icon to unlink a module from the placement
  6. Click on the ' Preview' icon to preview the selected module, placement & the page.
  7. Note: You can also click on ' Manage Module' icon to link more Module(s) or unlink already linked Module(s).

Note: A precondition for this is that the pages need to be setup with predefined placements where modules can be placed. This can be done from the Page setup section. If there is no module linked to any placement, there will be nothing rendered on those placements.

Placement Behavior

In this section, you can define how you would like the module(s) to behave on your site.

  1. Settings - by clicking the 'Settings' icon on each placement, you can configure:
  2. Trigger - to define when the module(s) within the placement first appear on the page Eg: On page load, on exit intent and more
  3. Frequency - to define how often the module(s) within the placement should render on your siteEg: Once per page view, Once per user and more
  4. Button Behavior - to define how the module should appear on the page on click of the recommendation button Eg: Inline and overlay
  5. Button Style - you can to select the style of the button from the Blox Button Styles library or select any custom buttons shared
  6. Enable/Disable - by checking or unchecking the 'Enable' checkbox, you can control whether or not the linked entities within a Placement are displayed on the front end of your platform. Disabled Placements will not have any modules displayed.
  7. Import From - If you have already linked modules to a platform you can also easily import modules already set up on one platform to another Platform using the ' Import From' CTA & selecting a platform to import from. The Linked Modules of the selected Platform will be automatically copied over.

Placement Behaviors:

TriggerOn Page loadTo display as soon as page loads
FrequencyOnce per page viewTo render on each page view
Button Behavior (only for Button Placements)InlineTo open the module in an inline
Button Style (only for Button Placements)Button Style LibrarySelect the style of the button from the Blox Button Styles library or any custom buttons shared

Business Rules

If you would like to add Business Rules, you can click the ' Business Rules' icon in the Actions column of any linked module. A business rule acts as a filter to narrow down results based on a business goal or condition.

  1. To add new/manage existing business rule, click the ' Business Rules' icon in the Actions column of any linked module
  2. You can name the rule
  3. If you have more than one catalog, select the catalog to apply the business rule
  4. You can choose any attributes to apply as a filter.

Note : Attributes provided for business rules are the fields that are "Indexed" during catalog configuration.

  1. Attributes can be any metadata. For example, Brand, Category, Price etc
  2. You can click on 'And' to add another condition to a rule
  3. For a contextual rule, you can apply a filter with the value option 'Same as Source'. For example, if you have set up a business rule as Brand is 'Same as Source', recommendations will be filtered based on the brand of each Source Content
  4. Optionally, you can choose how the Business Rule is applied with 'Apply to'. Select the condition for when you want the Business Rule to filter results:
  5. 'All' - All the conditions should satisfy for this Business Rule to Apply
  6. 'Any' - Business Rule can apply as long as any one of the conditions are satisfied


Experiments enable you to allocate user traffic, test performance based on a business goal or metric & measure the results to determine each touchpoint's winning Experience. There are two types of experiments:

  1. Within placement : This is used to test between multiple modules within a single placement. Typically used when the layout of the website / app is fixed and the question is around which module will work best.
  2. Between placements : This is used to test modules placed across different placements. Typically used when the question is around where on the page would be the best to place the module.

Within a Placement

You can configure a multivariate Experiment between two or modules + control to measure and determine the best performing module.

  1. Click ‘Link Module/Manage Module’ on the placement to link module(s) and perform the Experiment.
  2. Select one or more Modules from the Module listing. Note: When multiple modules are selected ‘Control’ is automatically linked to the placement. Alternatively you can also link one module + control to configure an A/B test.
  3. Click ‘Done’. The selected module(s) + control are now linked & listed within the placement.
  4. Click on the ‘Settings’ icon on the placement header to, (i) view the Module render behavior like the trigger, frequency at which it loads, (ii) configure the Experiment name, goal, metric & confidence score.
    1. Goal - Select the business goal you want to test for and achieve - Conversion, Revenue or Engagement
    2. Metric - Select the Metric to measure when a Goal is achieved. You can select a metric based on the Goal selected:
      1. Conversion:
        1. Conversion Rate
        2. Conversion Rate (Engaged)
        3. Average Order Value
        4. Average Order Value (Engaged)
        5. Purchase per user / ARPU
        6. Purchase per user / ARPU (Engaged)
        7. Average Order Size (AOS)
        8. Average Order Size (AOS) (Engaged)
      2. Engagement:
        1. User Engagement Rate
        2. Click Through Rate
    3. Confidence Score - Indicate the Confidence Score as a percentage. This value, when met, will determine the winning Module

Note: Only values between 1 and 100 will be accepted. We recommend '95%' to determine a winning Module.

  1. Optionally, you can set Business Rules for each Module by clicking the ' Business Rules' icon in the actions column
  2. You can assign traffic in any percentage split you desire using the input field under the 'Traffic Allocation' Column. Note: Within an Experiment, Traffic Allocation total percentage should always equal 100%. If Traffic Allocation total doesn't equal 100% for any Experiment, then it'll not be possible to 'Publish' the Experience.
  3. 'Assign 100% Traffic to winning module' - When the experiment variation reaches the confidence score configured, that variation is automatically configured to receive 100% traffic and the experiment is automatically concluded.

Between Placements

After you have linked modules to more than one placement on the page, you can run an Experiment between the Placement(s) + Control to determine the best performing combination of module and placement.

  1. By clicking the ' Test Placements' CTA next to the 'Live Preview' Icon, you will navigate to the 'Advanced Placement Settings' to see the list of Placements configured on the page along with the number of linked modules for each of them.
  2. You can give your test a name and specify the Goal, Metric and Confidence percentage that will determine the winning Placement and/or Module.
  3. Goal - Select the business goal you want to test for and achieve - Conversion, Revenue or Engagement
  4. Metric - Select the Metric to measure when a Goal is achieved. You can select a metric based on the Goal selected:
  5. Revenue:
  6. Revenue per user
  7. Average Order Value (AOV)
  8. Conversion:
  9. Conversion Rate
  10. Average Order Value (AOV)
  11. Purchase per user / ARPU
  12. Average Order Size (AOS)
  13. Engagement:
  14. User Engagement Rate
  15. Click Through Rate
  16. Clicks per session
  17. Confidence Score - Indicate the Confidence Score as a percentage. This value, when met, will determine the winning Placement

Note: Only values between 1 and 100 will be accepted. We recommend '95%' to determine a winning Placement.

  1. Use the Toggle to Enable each of the Placements you would like to test. You can also enable 'Control' to configure an A/B test.
  2. Split and assign User Traffic between the enabled Placements by using the input field under the column Traffic Allocation Column.

Note: Within an Experiment, Traffic Allocation total percentage should always equal 100%. If Traffic Allocation total doesn't equal 100% for any Experiment, then it'll not be possible to 'Publish' the Experience.

  1. Click ' Save and Close' to return to your experience configuration where you will see the selected placements checked as 'Enabled'.

Note: Placement's which do not have the 'Experiment' toggle enabled but still have module(s) linked to it, will be rendered 100% on your platform.

Render Unique Content across Placements

This performs deduplication operations & ensures that the Modules rendered across the Page doesn't have any duplicate content.

  • Click on ' Test Placement' CTA & select 'Render Unique Content across Placements'

Note: By default, this option is enabled.

Live Preview

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To view the modules on your platform, you can use the Live Preview feature. It enables you to view all your linked modules on the selected page of your site, directly from the Experiences section of the tool. The Live Preview Feature enables you to verify the look, feel and quality of the module on the site before publishing your experience.

  1. To preview the selected page, click on the ' Live Preview' CTA.

  2. You will see your live preview with the option to toggle between desktop and mobile platforms

  3. You can also choose to view configured placements on the page by enabling the toggle 'Display Placements'. If no module has been linked to a Placement on the page, enabling this toggle will allow you to view a placeholder for the Placement.

  4. View all your linked modules on the page.

  5. If more than one module is linked to a placement, you will be able to select the module you wish to preview by clicking on the dropdown above the placement

  6. To preview any particular placement on the selected page, click the placement ' Preview' icon on each placement's accordion

  7. On click, you will be directed to the placement on the selected page and platform. Optionally, you can view the other placements on the page by scrolling. To view other platforms, click on the Desktop & Mobile icons

  8. If no module is linked as of yet, you will see a placeholder to describe the position of the placement

  9. If multiple modules are linked, you change the view to preview each module by using the dropdown above the placement border.

Publish Experiences

Once you have set up the desired recommendation modules and/or A/B test, you can publish the experience

  1. Click the ' Publish' CTA at the top of the right corner of the screen. Once you publish an Experience, it will be labelled as 'Live' on the Experience Listing Page.
  2. After publishing an Experience, it should be available to view on the relevant touchpoint on your platform!

Note : visitors will be able to see the experience on your platform if they meet the configured experience priority and targeting conditions.

  1. Note: You can 'Unpublish' any live Experience from the Experience listing page by clicking the ' Unpublish' icon found under the actions column on the Experience Listing page


ExperienceAn Experience is any touchpoint on your website where you have added one or more recommendations and/or set up an Experiment
ModuleA Module is a combination of one or more recommendation Strategies with an optional Template
PlacementA Placement a configured position/location on your platform page/screen where you would like the linked Module(s) to render
Business RuleA Business Rule is filter that can be applied on recommendations based on a business goal or use case
ExperimentAn Experiment is a test run based on a business goal and metric to measure and determine a winning Experience. A test can be run between modules, placements and/or a control group.
ControlVisitors who are shown this variation (Control) do not see any modules. They see your default platform.
Left Navigation BarThe Left Navigation Bar enables you to view and navigate between the 2 steps of Experience Settings, Page and Target Conditions and Placement Settings
Continue Later CTAThe Continue Later CTA allows you to save or discard changes made to the Experiment Settings and to return to the Experience Listing Page.